Alumni in Folk Dance night


On the evening of Friday the 23rd of March, the International School of Choueifat witnessed a spectacular event: the annual ISC Folk Dance Night as never seen before.


The event was held at the UNESCO stage, and it welcomed over a thousand spectators, ranging from supportive classmates, teachers and proud parents. The night featured dances of students from 3rd graders to seniors; and alumni from classes 2011 and 2009 who were glad to once again participate in Mr. Mustafa Ammar’s beautifully choreographed Lebanese folk dances.

 The evening proceeded flawlessly as the 220 participants danced to all the Lebanese classics.  Thirty dedicated SLO prefects were happy to lend a hand to ensure that everything was going smoothly back stage and front.

 Participating Alumni: Ali Houhou,Rami Mehio,Nagham Hasan,Farah Tabaja,Mohammad Omari,Maan Halabi,Ali Khodor,Nour Hamzeh,Jessica Zebian and Lama Ahmadieh.
